Made from highly durable, thick gauge 304 Stainless Steel, the Classic comes standard with 10″ heavy-duty rubber wheels, two large side shelves and features our seven-sided cooking chamber design with cast 304 stainless steel burners. The Classic incorporates our indirect cooking design, which eliminates flare ups, allowing you to grill a wide range of foods. The design of the Classic also allows you cooking versatility. If you want to do more than grilling, you can also steam or smoke with the Classic. To steam, simply close the valve on the flame tray that sits over the burners and fill the tray with liquid. To smoke, add wood chips to the flame tray to add smoking to your cooking.
The Classic is affordable and ideal for any location and is designed so you can add a variety of accessories, such as a front shelf or a side burner. It is also designed to be easy to use, with push button igniters and straight forward operation.